Distributed Computing and Big Data
Instructor: Venkatesh Vinayakarao
Term: Jan - Apr 2023

Welcome to Distributed Computing and Big Data course! Massive increase in the availability of data has made the storage, management, and analysis extremely challenging. Various tools, technologies and frameworks have surfaced to help address this challenge. Apache Hadoop is one such framework that enables us to handle big data by making distributed computing easier. Concerns such as reliability, distributed file management and distributed processing have been abstracted from us by hadoop. In this course, we shall start with understanding the characteristics of big data and the fundamental concepts of cloud computing. We will explore the hadoop ecosystem. Specifically, we will explore HDFS, Map-Reduce, Pig and NoSQL DB. Our objective is to handle big data effectively and build web applications and RESTful services over cloud. This is an introductory course focused on the breadth of the big data landscape.

Key Learning Objectives

At the end of this course, you should be able to:
  • Understand how distribtued file systems work. Be able to use Hadoop HDFS.
  • Understand distributed processing fundamentals. Code using map-reduce framework and pig scripts.
  • Understand NoSQL DB concepts using MongoDB and HBase.

Lecture Schedule

Lecture #TopicReadingsSlides/Material
Part 1: Introduction
1Introduction to Big DataThe Complete Beginner's Guide To Big Data Everyone Can Understand
Basics About Cloud Computing
Lecture 1
Lecture 2
Lecture 1 and 2 (new)
2Hands-On Tutorial: A Tour of Big Data Stack with Cloudera VMCDH OverviewTutorial 1
3Distributed File SystemsFiles and Directories
File System
The Hadoop Distributed File System
Lecture 3
Lecture 3.1 (DC Model)
DFS (Lecture 4 Updated)
4Hands-On Tutorial: HDFSExploring the File SystemTutorial 2
5Distributed Processing with Map-Reduce and PigOverview of Map-Reduce
Lecture 5
6Hands-On Tutorial: Map-ReduceTutorial 3
7Introduction to OOAD and UMLLecture 6
Lecture 7
8Big Data Design PatternsChapter 1 from Thinking in Patterns
Map-Reduce Design Patterns
Lecture 8
9Apache PigLecture 9
10Hands-On Tutorial: Map-Reduce and PigMapReduce Tutorial
Pig Tutorial
Tutorial 5: MR [zip], [video], Pig [zip]
11NoSQL DBChapter 4 from BDA Book
Columnar Storage
NoSQL Explained
Lecture 10
12Hands-On Tutorial: MongoDB, HBaseMongoDB CRUD OperationsTut6-MongoDB
13Web Application Development and Service Oriented ArchitectureWeb Application Development
Sections 1, 2 and 3 of Web Services
Lecture 11
Neo4j Neo4j Commands
14Hands-On Tutorial: Apache Tomcat, JSON, RESTful ServicesBuilding Web Applications with Tomcat
RESTful Services
Hive and Solr
Part 2: Additional Topics
15Big Data in the Real World (Media, Streaming, Transportation, Sports, Finance)
16Data Warehouse, Pond and Lakes
17Cloud Storage and Computing - AWS

InstrumentMax Marks
Mid Exam25%
Final Exam35%
Assignment (4*10%)40%



There is no prescribed text for this course. Readings will be shared during the lectures.

References Optional Readings

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